Unit Linked Insurance Plans

Market Plus I                                                                     Profit Plus

New Jeevan Dhara- I                                                        New Jeevan Suraksha- I 

Unit Linked Life Insurance products are different from the traditional insurance products and are subject to the risk factors. The premium paid in Unit Linked Life Insurance policies are subject to investment risks associated with capital markets and the NAVs of the units may go up or down based on the performance of fund and factors influencing the capital market and the insured is responsible for his/her decisions.

Market Plus I

This is a unit linked pension plan wherein the pension is payable after a   specified period.  Four types of investment Funds namely Bond, Secured, Balanced and Growth Fund are offered. Though primarily a Pension product, the plan has many attractive features and options which make it an ideal Retirement solution for the future.


A)     On Vesting:
On   vesting of the policy, the Fund Value will be utilized to provide a pension based on the then prevailing Annuity rates. An option to commute upto one third of the payable benefit in a lump sum is available.

B)     On Death:
 In event of the unfortunate death of the policy holder the Fund Value along with the Riders, if any,  will be payable in a lump sum or as a pension.

Three attractive benefits, viz. - Life Cover, Accident Benefit and Critical Illness Benefit are available as options or riders. Life option is available within certain limits depending on the age at entry of the life assured. The other options are available to all proposers who have opted for Life Cover. The quantum of the risk covers can also be reduced; subject to the minimum limits, once a year. A policy can be taken without any of the riders also

 There will be no spread between the Bid and Offer price. The Net Asset Value (NAV) will be declared on a daily basis. Additional premium in multiples of Rs.1,000 can be paid without any limit at anytime during the term of policy.

a) Benefits payable on death before vesting
In case of death of the policyholder within the deferment term where Life cover is opted for and is in force, the nominee shall be eligible to get the Sum Assured under the Basic Plan together with the Policyholder’s Fund value as at the date of booking the liability. The liability shall be booked after receipt of intimation along with death certificate. The benefit may be got in a lump sum or in the form of pension or a combination of lump sum and pension as desired by the nominee. The pension will be based on the then prevailing immediate annuity rates under the relevant annuity option. In case the policy is taken without life cover, then the Policyholder’s Fund value as at the date of booking the liability, as mentioned above, shall be payable to the nominee. Again, the nominee can choose either a lump sum or pension or a combination of lump sum and pension, which will be based on the then prevailing immediate annuity rates under the relevant annuity option. If the policy is in lapsed condition, then only the Value of the units held in the Policyholder’s Fund shall become payable to the nominee. This benefit may be chosen  either in lump sum or in the form of pension as desired by the nominee. The pension will be based on the then prevailing immediate annuity rates under the relevant annuity  option.

b) Benefit on vesting
On the policyholder surviving up to the date of vesting, the Policyholder’s Fund value will compulsorily be utilised to provide an annuity based on the then prevailing immediate annuity rates under the relevant annuity option. The policyholder will have to intimate his/ her choice of annuity option to the Corporation 6 months prior to the date of vesting under the policy. There is also an option to commute up to one-third of the Fund Value of the units held in the Policyholder’s Fund value at the time of vesting of the annuity, which shall be paid in lump sum. In case commutation is opted for, the amount of annuity/pension available will be reduced proportionately. There will also be an option to purchase pension from any other life insurance company registered with IRDA subject to Regulatory provisions. If the policyholder opts to purchase pension from other insurance company, he/she will have to inform LIC six months prior to the vesting date.

In such cases, LIC will transfer the Policyholder’s Fund value directly to the chosen Company. Notwithstanding the above mentioned, in case the amount at the vesting date is insufficient to purchase the minimum amount of pension allowed by LIC, then the balance in the Policyholder’s Fund value at the vesting date shall be refunded to the Policyholder.

c) Options:
i. Life Cover
The policy can be issued either with or without life insurance cover. If life insurance cover is opted for by the policyholder, he/ she can choose Sum Assured within the following limits, subject to a minimum of Rs. 25,000. For Single premium policies: up to and equal to the Single Premium For Regular premium policies:

        If Critical Illness Benefit Rider is opted for:
                10 times of the annualized premium if age at entry is up to 40 years.
                5 times of the annualized premium if age at entry is 41 years and above.

        If Critical Illness Benefit Rider is not opted for:
                20 times of the annualized premium if age at entry is up to 40 years.
                10 times of the annualized premium if age at entry is 41 years and above.

Where the minimum Sum Assured under the basic plan is not in the multiples of Rs. 5,000, it will be rounded off to the next multiple of Rs. 5,000.

ii. Accident Benefit Rider Option:
Accident Benefit (AB) can be availed of as an optional Rider benefit by paying an additional premium of Rs.0.50 for every Rs.1,000/- of the Accident Benefit Sum Assured per policy year by cancellation of appropriate number of units out of the Policyholder’s Fund value every month. On Accidental death of the Policyholder during the term of the policy, a sum equal to the Accident Benefit Sum Assured will become payable, provided the Accident benefit cover is opted for and is in force. Further, it will be available up to the life cover Sum Assured opted for, subject to an overall limit of Rs.50 lakh taking all existing policies of the Life Assured under individual as well as group schemes including policies with in-built accident benefit taken from Life Insurance Corporation of India and other insurance companies and the Accident Benefit Rider Sum Assured under the new proposal into consideration. The Accident Benefit rider option will not be available in case life cover sum assured is zero. This benefit will be available only till the policy anniversary on which the age nearer birthday of the Policyholder is 70 years. No charges for this benefit shall be deducted from the Policy anniversary at which the benefit ceases.
iii. Critical Illness Rider Option :
Critical Illness Rider Benefit can be opted for only if Life cover has been opted. An amount equal to the Critical Illness Rider Sum Assured will be payable in case of diagnosis of defined categories of Critical Illness subject to certain terms and conditions, provided the Critical Illness Benefit cover is opted for and is in force. The maximum limit for this rider will be Rs.10 lakh under all policies of the Life Assured with the Corporation taken together. The Critical Illness Rider Sum Assured shall be available only if the sum assured under the life over is equal to or greater than Rs.50,000. The Critical Illness Sum Assured shall not exceed the Sum Assured under the Basic Plan. This benefit will be available only till the policy anniversary on which the age nearer birthday of the Policyholder is 60 years or for a maximum term of 35 years whichever is less. No charges for this benefit shall be deducted from the Policy anniversary at which the benefit ceases. Further, this benefit will be available only once during the term of the policy (i.e. till a critical illness claim, as per the conditions defined, arises under the policy). Once a claim under this Rider has been admitted, no subsequent charge towards Critical Illness Benefit Rider shall be deducted. Charges towards Life cover and Accident Benefit cover, if any, shall however continue to be deducted on a monthly basis, as usual. Critical Illness Benefit rider can be opted for at the inception of the policy only and shall not be allowed thereafter.

d) Annuity Options
The rate at which the claim amount will be converted into an annuity is not guaranteed and will be at the rate prevalent at that time. Further a number of annuity options will be available and the rate for different options may differ.


 Profit Plus

It is a unit linked Endowment plan where the premium payment term (PPT) is limited to single lump sum, or uniformly over 3, 4 or 5 years. You can choose the level of cover within the limits, which will depend on whether the policy is a Single premium or Limited premium contract, term chosen and on the level of premium you agree to pay.

Four types of investment Funds are offered. Premiums paid after allocation charge will purchase units of the Fund type chosen. The Unit Fund is subject to various charges and value of units may increase or decrease, depending on the Net Asset Value (NAV).

Payment of Premiums:
You may pay premiums regularly at yearly, half-yearly, quarterly or monthly (ECS) intervals over the premium paying term of 3, 4 or 5 years. The minimum premium will be Rs.10000/-. Alternatively, a Single premium can be paid subject to a minimum of Rs.20,000/- .

Other Features:

i) Partial Withdrawals: You may en cash the units partially after the third policy anniversary subject to the following:

i) In case of minors, partial withdrawals shall be allowed from the policy anniversary coinciding with or next following the date on which the life assured attains majority (i.e. on or after 18th birthday).

ii) Partial withdrawals may be in the form of fixed amount or in the form of fixed number  of units.

iii) For 2 years’ period from the date of withdrawal, the Sum Assured under the Basic plan shall be reduced to the extent of the amount of partial withdrawals made.

iv) Under Limited Premium Paying Term policies where less than 3 years’ premiums have been paid and further premiums are not paid, the partial withdrawals shall not be allowed.

v) Under Limited Premium Paying Term policies where at least 3 years’ premiums have been paid, partial withdrawal will be allowed subject to Policyholder’s Fund Value being at least Rs. 10000/-.

vi) Under Single Premium policies, the partial withdrawal will be allowed subject to a minimum balance of Rs. 5000/- in the Policyholder’s Fund Value.

ii) Switching: You can switch between any fund types for the entire Fund Value during the policy term subject to switching charges, if any.


The benefits payable under the policy in different contingencies during this period shall be as under:
A. In case of Death: Higher of Sum Assured under the Basic Plan or the Policyholder’s Fund Value. The Sum Assured shall be subject to provisions of Partial Withdrawals made,  if any.

B. In case of Death due to accident: Accident Benefit Sum Assured in addition to the amount under A above, if Accident Benefit is opted for.

C. In case of Critical Illness claim: Critical Illness Rider Sum Assured, if opted for.

D. On maturity: The Policyholder’s Fund Value.

E. In case of Surrender (including Compulsory Surrender): The Policyholder’s Fund  Value. The Surrender value, however, shall be paid only after the completion of 3 policy years.

F. In case of Partial Withdrawals: For 2 years period from the date of withdrawal, the sum assured under the basic plan shall be reduced to the extent of the amount of partial withdrawals made.

G. In case of Death: The Policyholder’s Fund Value.

H. In case of death due to accident: Only, the amount as under G above.

I. In case of Critical Illness claim: Nil.

J. In case of Surrender (including Compulsory Surrender): Policyholder’s Fund Value / monetary value as the case may be, shall be payable after the completion of the third policy anniversary. No amount shall be payable within 3 years from the date of commencement of policy.

K. In case of Partial withdrawal: Partial Withdrawals shall not be allowed under such a policy even after completion of 3 years period.



 New Jeevan Dhara I

These are Deferred Annuity plans that allow the policyholder to make provision for regular income after the selected term.

Premiums are payable yearly, half-yearly, quarterly, monthly or through Salary deduction, as opted by you, throughout the term of the policy or till earlier death. Alternatively, the premium may be paid in one lump sum (single premium).

Tax Benefits:
Tax relief under Section 80c is available on premiums paid under New Jeevan Suraksha I (Table No.147). The premiums paid under New Jeevan Dhara I (Table No.148) qualify for tax relief under Section 88.

These are with-profit plans and participate in the profits of the Corporation’s annuity / pension business. Policies get a share of the profits in the form of bonuses. Simple Reversionary Bonuses are declared per thousand Sum Assured annually at the end of each financial year.  Once declared, they form part of the guaranteed benefits of the plan. Final (Additional) Bonuses may also be payable provided policy has run for a certain minimum period.

Death Benefit:
On death of the Life Assured during the term of the policy the basic premiums paid, excluding any rider premiums or extra premiums, up to the date of death accumulated with interest at such rates as decided by the Corporation will be payable to the nominee. Currently, the interest rate is 3%, 4% or 5 % if the death occurs within the first 10 years, 20 years or thereafter respectively.

Maturity Benefit:
At maturity the policyholder can encash  up to a maximum 25% of the maturity proceeds as a tax-free lump sum. The balance should be compulsorily converted to an annuity at the rates applicable at the time of maturity of the policy. The policyholder has the choice of opting for any one of 5 annuity options. The annuity options available are

(i) annuity payable for remainder of life

(ii) annuity payable for life with guaranteed period of 5, 10, 15 or 20 years

(iii) Joint life and last survivor annuity to the annuitant and his/ her spouse under which annuity payable to the spouse on death of the purchaser will be 50% of that payable to the annuitant

(iv) Life annuity with a return of purchase price on death of the annuitant

(v) Life annuity increasing at a simple rate of 3% per annum.


 New Jeevan Suraksha I

These are Deferred Annuity plans that allow the policyholder to make provision for regular income after the selected term.

These are with-profit plans and participate in the profits of the Corporation’s annuity / pension business. Policies get a share of the profits in the form of bonuses. Simple Reversionary Bonuses are declared per thousand Sum Assured annually at the end of each financial year.  Once declared, they form part of the guaranteed benefits of the plan. Final (Additional) Bonuses may also be payable provided policy has run for a certain minimum period.

Death Benefit:
On death of the Life Assured during the term of the policy the basic premiums paid, excluding any rider premiums or extra premiums, up to the date of death accumulated with interest at such rates as decided by the Corporation will be payable to the nominee. Currently, the interest rate is 3%, 4% or 5 % if the death occurs within the first 10 years, 20 years or thereafter respectively.

Maturity Benefit:
At maturity the policyholder can en cash  up to a maximum 25% of the maturity proceeds as a tax-free lump sum. The balance should be compulsorily converted to an annuity at the rates applicable at the time of maturity of the policy. The policyholder has the choice of opting for any one of 5 annuity options. The annuity options available are

(i) annuity payable for remainder of life

(ii) annuity payable for life with guaranteed period of 5, 10, 15 or 20 years

(iii) Joint life and last survivor annuity to the annuitant and his/ her spouse under which annuity payable to the spouse on death of the purchaser will be 50% of that payable to the annuitant

(iv) Life annuity with a return of purchase price on death of the annuitant

(v) Life annuity increasing at a simple rate of 3% per annum